Garfield, Furby and other Giclée Art prints available online!

frog in oils print
medium pet
Bespoke pet portraits available for commission

Featured Art

All things wyrd & wonderful


See what Wyrd Gallery customers have to say ♥

Sally & Lucy Austen

Cat mums

We are delighted with our pet portraits! Donya has painted our 3 precious cats so beautifully and we feel very lucky to have such a unique and personal piece of artwork we can keep forever.

Chloe Bonfield


Hans LOVED it so much.. He was. So happy. His wee face on Xmas morning bless him. It’s got pride of place on the flat now and I like it when cilas (the cat) stands under it it’s funny.


Bee Tovey

Art lover


I loooooove it! You’re such a talented babe! Thank you lots 💕💕💕


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